By default, the report is given the name of_. 默认情况下,报告的名称为。
The DDM event report contains the name of the agent and the name of the user on whose behalf it was running. DDM事件报告包含代理的名称和它运行时所代表的用户的名称。
Give the report a name. 为报告指定一个名称。
Give the report a name and an optional description and id, and press OK. 提供报表名称和可选的描述及ID,然后单击OK。
Give the new report a name and an identifier. 给新报表起一个名字和一个标示符。
The report includes the directory name, file name, and function name. 报告包括了目录名以及函数名。
The report server generally caches one instance of a report based on the report name. 报表服务器通常根据报表名称来缓存报表的单个实例。
Specify the full name of the report, including the folder path and report name. 指定报表的全名,包括文件夹路径和报表名称。
Type a folder path or a report name to view catalog items within the task pane. 键入文件夹路径或报表名称,以在任务窗格中查看目录项。
A PivotTable report with that name already exists on the destination sheet. 目标工作表中已有同名数据透视表存在。
Switch to specify the deployment report name. 开关指定部署报告的名称。
This report contains the first name and last name fields from the employee entity, so when the report is run, the employee entity security filter is applied. 此报表包含“雇员”实体中的“名字”和“姓氏”字段,因此运行报表时,将应用“雇员”实体安全筛选器。
Sponsors shall report the name, place of employment, and the number of times each participant has participated in a summer work travel program. 主办方应报告雇佣方的名称、工作地点、每一位项目参与者曾经参与暑期带薪实习项目的次数。
Finally, the Report name needs to be entered and voila, you got your first report in place. 最后,报告名称需要输入,瞧,你有你的地方第一次报告。
View the results of a search for a report name or description. 查看搜索报表名称或说明的结果。
The finished report shows the name and path of each item, organized by type. 完成的报表显示了每一项的名称和路径,并按类型进行整理。
In the report name box, type qdreporttutorial and then click finish. 在“报表名称”框中,键入qdreporttutorial,再单击“完成”。
In report path, specify a forward slash, followed by the folder path, and the report name. 在“报表路径”中,指定一个正斜杠后接文件夹路径和报表名。
Represents global variables useful for reports, such as the report name or page number. 表示对报表有用的全集变量,如报表名称或页码。
To name your report, just click on the title field, enter a report name and click Apply. 命名您的报告,只要按一下标题字段中,输入报告名称,然后单击应用。
The report does not name the banks or give details of the original contracts – questions that worried the state auditors – but the experts said they appeared to date back to the period in the late 1990s. 该报告未提到债权银行的名字,也未给出原始合约细节(这些问题让意大利国家审计部门感到担忧),但专家表示,这些合约似乎可追溯至上世纪90年代末。
To select a report, search for a report by name or description, or browse report server folders to find the report you want. 若要选择报表,请按名称或说明搜索报表,或浏览报表服务器文件夹以查找所需的报表。
The subject line uses built-in parameters that capture the report name and time when it was processed. “主题”行使用内置参数,这些内置参数可捕获报表的名称和处理时间。
Type or select a report name. 键入或选择报表名称。
The report name and path should be specified as an additional parameter in the URL string. 报表名和路径应该作为参数附加到URL串中。
No branch may issue any asset appraisal report in its own name. 分支机构不得以自己的名义出具资产评估报告。
Gantt Chart report: Name, Start Date, End Date, Duration, User-defined Number, Percent Complete-grouped by Resource 甘特图报告:名称、开始日期、结束日期、工期、用户定义的数字、完成百分比-按资源分组
The report name can contain a relative or absolute path to the report. 报表名称可以包含报表的相对或绝对路径。
Organization chart report: name, title, telephone grouped by department. 组织结构图报告:按部门分组的姓名、职位、电话。
Preliminary Report on Name List of Chiggers in Yunnan Province 云南省恙螨名录初报